What is Transpersonal Psychology Coaching?

I'm sharing with you a short statement I contributed to our Transpersonal Psychology Discussion Forum, examining the Question How might we (as transpersonal coaches) describe the coaching process to any type of person who is interested in what transpersonal coaching is and how it works?


A deep question and I’m not sure if there’s one single-encompassing answer. Every client will bring his/her own understanding of whatever description/definition we provide (as a collective of transpersonal coaches or as individual practitioners) into the co-creational space we offer. Equally, every practitioner will eventually find their own way of describing what they offer.

As with the description/definition of Transpersonal Psychology itself, TCP (Transpersonal Psychology Coaching) is a living thing that demands continuous refinement, openness and synthesis. Beautifully, transformation is also inherent to TCP and everyone interacting with it shapes its form.

What generally seems valuable to me is to provide a personal perspective/description as a practitioner (or scholar, or other) to provide a starting point for a shared language (or discussion).

Maybe (transpersonal) Coaching is „just“ the art of consciously relating. Thereby utilizing the embodied understanding, that we are always an intra-related mirror for each other in a space where every aspect/expression of life is welcome. And in doing so, catalyzing „an expansion of the understanding of self“ within the other. Which in turn, might result in the unblocking of latent/repressed/exiled energy within. We could also call „an expansion of the understanding of self“ growth, maturation, a step towards wholeness, or simply evolution.

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