Holistic Life Coaching
What is Holistic Life Coaching?
Holistic life coaching combines various methods that enable you to establish a profound inner security on a physical, emotional, and mental level. This security and inner resilience empower you to face your fears and life challenges as opportunities for growth, unlocking the beautiful authentic Self within you. Biological, neuroscientific, and trauma-informed approaches meet transpersonal psychology, body-oriented experiential sciences, rituals, and naturalistic practices from ancient, traditional wisdom. Founded on a diverse understanding of our being, we explore individually in our sessions what is important to you at this moment.
Body, mind, and soul form the foundation of our existence - in coherence with one another, your essence becomes tangible and perceivable for all. Meaning and purpose become clearer for you and are expressed sustainably in your life. You are life in its incredible diversity - grounded, resilient, inwardly calm, and creative, more than ever before. This is what holistic life coaching stands for.
Read about a personal reflection on Transpersonal Psychology Coaching here
For whom is HLC suitable?
"Ask not what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive!
Then go do it!
Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive!"
Howard Thurman
For you, if you want to embody a profound inner security that unlocks unforeseen perspectives and potentials in your life. A security and inner resilience that embraces fear, doubt, and constant change as opportunities for growth. That allows you to live in the here and now, rather than letting life pass you by as you dwell in the past or future. Rooted in the trust that life is on your side. For you, when you're ready to meet your notion of self, your identity, your role models, beliefs and patterns thereby unlocking the immense potential for healing and expansion within you. A creative potential that transforms your life. If you want to cross boundaries you never dared to dream of.
If you wish to reconnect, to experience yourself again as a holistic being. Retrieving the connection to your inner voice and unleashing the truthful authentic version of yourself. Coming home within you, let life flow again, and regain fundamental trust in life. Ready to become a living manifestation of the heart, pure joy, and the extraordinary life itself.
For you, when you've experienced states of consciousness that transcend our definition of "normal" waking states, catalyzed through all kinds of modalities and circumstances, now looking for someone who can accompany you in integrating these experiences.
What is HLC suitable for?
The scope of my coaching is based on the knowledge and experiences that I have explored and integrated up to this point, combined with my further training as a coach in transpersonal psychology and informed by my studies of Dr. Stephen Porges' Polyvagal Theory, Dr. Glenn Hartelius' research on 'Attention Strategies', as well as insights into 'Flow States', Somatic Work, Internal Family Systems, and Breathwork.
Focus Areas and Themes of My Work:
- Authentic Self-Development & Self-Leadership (incl. Attentional Stances & Flow States)
- Building Resilience and Robustness within your Nervous System
- Fear, Anxiety, Dissatisfaction, Lack of Direction
- Attachment Pains & Touch
- Motivation Crises
- Fatigue & Chronic Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Burnout
- Existential and Spiritual Questions
- Integration of Expanded States of Consciousness
It won't always be easy, but your authentic self will enchant you. That’s a promise.
In Person and Online
For our coaching sessions, we can meet either in person or online, both options are available. I don't maintain a fixed space but rather see nature as the best setting for our encounters - I'm happy to meet with you outdoors. Of course, there's always the option of choosing an indoor retreat space as well, depending on your needs.
Similarly, the digital space is always available to us, transcending geographical boundaries and time zones.
My way of Coaching
Igniting each other
I invite you to meet your limiting narrative, your own perception and the incredible human being, that lives inside you - waiting to be unleashed. I’m your challenging mirror, your safe space, your conscious company. I won’t tell you, who you are. I won’t tell you, what to do. But I promise you to ask questions, which will enable you to find answers within.
I will help to sort your thoughts, doubts, and emotions. Allowing everything to be present, to feel it, live it, observe it, and let it go. Not by pushing, but through mindful integration, giving way to transformation. Rewriting old beliefs, patterns, making sense of the perceived nonsense. I am your company in the unknown, exploring with you realms above and beyond. I am the other human, standing next to you, reliable and open, to receive all and give it back - for you to discover, what’s truly inside.
We humans are body, mind, and spirit. Hence, we explore not only the cognitive level together but integrate all facets of being. Additionally, for many specific needs and requirements, I collaborate with a fantastic network of professional practitioners whom we can involve as needed.
For whom is my Offer not suitable?
In the sections „For whom is coaching suitable?“ and „What is coaching suitable for?“, I provide an overview of the questions and thematic complexes I work with. If you're unsure whether your issue is well-suited for a collaborative exploration with me, feel free to reach out anytime. If I am not personally suited to address a particular topic as a coach, I am happy to refer you to a competent resource within a trusted, professional network upon request.
Furthermore, my offer may not be suitable for you if you are not willing to actively engage in your personal growth and development. If you are not open to addressing your inner conflicts and striving for change, my approach will not be the right choice. Equally, if you prefer a purely technical or academic approach to your challenges and have less interest in a holistic, personal approach.
My coaching offer is not a substitute for necessary medical, psychological, or psychiatric treatment.
The first trial session is free of charge. We will get to know each other, and you will gain an impression of my Coaching Practice. Each additional session, lasting approx. 60 minutes, costs €70 net. If we need more time per session, we can adjust the duration as needed.
The "5 Dimensions" Program including 6 consecutive Sessions costs €350 net.
The best results are achieved through continuous practice and integration, so I encourage you to invest time in yourself in addition to our sessions. This ensures that our time together can lead to lasting changes in your life. Always remember, the investment is for you, your life, and your well-being. I look forward to hearing from you.
How can I help?
We’re stuck in our heads — so much so that we’ve lost touch with ourselves. Body language has become a foreign language. The causes? Diverse. Let’s reconnect what naturally belongs together: body and mind.
Letting Go
We hold on, even when it harms us. Yet we often fear the unknown more than the familiar, even if it keeps us stuck and unwell. Your inner security is the key — let’s reactivate it.
Embrace Emotions
Life expresses itself through emotion. Join me in exploring its incredible diversity. Learn to allow, accept, and ultimately love and navigate your emotions — even those you fear, suppress, or judge.
Experiencing extraordinary states of consciousness can leave you in awe, but true transformation comes through integrating those powerful experiences. Embrace this opportunity — it’s a profound gift to yourself.
Strengthen Resilience
Back to wholeness. Resilience not only helps you grow mentally, emotionally, and physically in life’s toughest moments but also serves as the foundation for an authentic, free life.
Unleash Potential
We "function" without unlocking the potential that lies dormant within us — forgotten, suppressed, or dismissed as mere dreams. Start living your life, not someone else’s.

One-to-One Coaching Offers
Individual Sessions
We work at your pace and based on your needs. You can book a single session at any time or multiple sessions in advance. In our trial session, I’ll be happy to discuss what might be right for you at the moment. The decision is entirely up to you and your preferences.
"5 Dimensions of Self" Coaching Program
Get to know yourself—physically, mentally, emotionally, interpersonally, and spiritually. In six consecutive sessions, you will gain a deeper understanding of how your thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns shape your current life and influence your reality. You will also regain clarity about what truly matters to you, your authentic capabilities, and how they can help you achieve and sustain a greater sense of fulfillment across the dimensions of yourself—and, ultimately, your life.

Life stories shape us into the people we are today—and I have my own to share. Here is one of them.
From the very beginning, one trait has woven itself through my life, a quality I now recognize as one of my greatest strengths and an inherent part of all of us — curiosity. This curiosity has played a central role in shaping who I am today. As a 6-month-old, I displayed a heightened sensitivity to my environment. This sensitivity manifested in severe eczema, a 100% food allergy, and many other related symptoms. Physical healing came through a years-long journey, drawing from my mother’s extensive knowledge of nutrition and natural remedies, as well as the then-novel bio-resonance therapy. However, the mental and emotional impact of these early experiences fully emerged in my early twenties. The patterns and imprints from my first years had left a biological and psychological footprint that I was entirely unaware of at the time.
Seemingly out of nowhere, intense fears arose, turning life into mere survival. Overwhelmed by constant anxiety and panic, I found refuge in the worlds of work and sport. Always busy, always in high performance mode. As a tech startup founder and endurance athlete, I managed to "work" my way back into what felt like a lived life. But the long-term effects of this relentless survival mode eventually became undeniable.
Burnout, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, along with the typical symptoms of depression, lack of motivation, and a sense of meaninglessness. No one had answers; nothing made sense anymore. The diagnoses from conventional medicine offered little help in addressing my physical, mental, and emotional state. After years of "pushing through," stress was no longer a viable coping mechanism. My body had reached its limit, and with it, my entire being.
Yet one thing never completely left me: the curiosity to explore, to understand, and to uncover. At times driven purely by a will to survive, and later fueled by a renewed sense of motivation, I began a journey of self-discovery — seeking to understand who and what I am, as a human, as an individual, and beyond. This path led me into uncharted territory, reshaping my life to this day. I’ve found answers in biology, neuroscience, and consciousness studies, as well as in spiritual traditions and the ancient wisdom of indigenous cultures. Central to this exploration became, amongst others, the deeper studies of our autonomic nervous system and the power of perception/awareness — both crucial keys to our biological expression and the unique realities our minds create.
Over time, I’ve come to see that life begins to make sense when we’re willing to truly get to know ourselves. It is then that we unlock the vast potential lying dormant within us. I look forward to accompanying you on your own journey of discovery.

Weaving the Web
We’re not here to accomplish everything by ourselves. We are here to discover, that we all carry gifts for each other - in a network, all gifts unfold their incredible power!
My coaching is embedded in a network of beautiful humans offering a wide range of additional, specialized support for any kind of circumstances and requirements, e.g. transformational bodywork, touch, conscious dance, sexological bodywork, de-armouring, yoga, meditation, energy work, holistic & plant medicine, nutrition and naturopathy.
It is not mandatory to include specialized treatments/sessions if you want to work with me. It is an open opportunity. For more information please get in touch.
"It does not matter what happens, it only matters
what you do with what happens."

Integration Circle (in english)
Grounding our transformational journey in a held place. This Circle is not a lecture or a place for therapy. This is a place for growth, change, learning, participation, and research on how to walk together in this reality - and to have the opportunity to review, reflect and interpret the messages we have received through our work with expanded states of consciousness. Donation-supported and therefore free for everyone.
Podcast "Frosch und Vogel - Perspektivwechsel" (auf deutsch)
Aktuelle Themen neu gedacht, anders betrachtet, mit einem Perspektivwechsel versehen. Jessica und Olli schlüpfen in die Rollen von Frosch und Vogel, wer wer ist, entscheidet der Moment - es geht ja um Wechsel. Um eine Veränderung der Blickrichtung. Wichtig ist den beiden vor allem, die Gesprächsthemen von möglichst vielen Seiten zu beleuchten und für die Hörerinnen und Hörer eine Einladung auszusprechen, es ihnen gleich zu tun. Hört doch mal rein.
Bücher & Books (auf deutsch & in english)
"Dies und Das des Menschseins - 60 Worte" ist eine Einladung an dich. Eine Einladung zur Pause, zum kurzen Innehalten in einer sich wandelnden Welt. Wie oft erlaubst du dir den kurzen Augenblick des Stillstehens, des Lauschens, des Spürens in dich hinein? 60 persönliche Worte die beruhigen, berühren, herausfordern, frustrieren, provozieren, irritieren. Ein Wörterbuch das dich anregt, zu dir spricht und dich einlädt, Sprache, Worte und Sein neu zu entdecken. Geschrieben für das Menschliche in dir, dem Teil der fragt, sucht, zweifelt und findet - immer wieder und wieder.
"Perspectives from between" - 30 Poems from the space between, the space of becoming. A reflection of a period of time, on a quest to find my truthful self.